Perfection can be attained. Perfection must be attained. Anything less than perfect is unacceptable.
I've asked 5 persons about it and they say I can be a little pushy to attain perfection. Well with that statistics, I couldn't dispute it anymore.
I find a single dot of dust in my room unacceptable. I will spend 20 minutes everyday, checking and cleaning my room. I term myself perfectionisme induced germophobia.
I want the arrangement of my stuffs in room to be in perfect order, but I had to forgo it now due to work commitment.
I want my partner to be good looking, good in kitchen and good in, ehem you know where. So far I couldn't find any more possible candidate.
Similarly, I want my car in perfect condition, but unfortunately it has lost its "virginity" from the backside yesterday. The slight collision took away my first wife in Sabah. (So-called first wife is at the west side). The gaps are out of the default fitting, especially between the tail-light and the bumper. The incident is combo to my problem with JPJ just 6 hours earlier.
Oh to mitigate the streak of bad lucks, I promised myself to become a vegan for one day. It is very unfortunate too, that I forgot my word after 12 hours. I had an egg and 2 pieces of chicken for lunch.
Life's too ( please insert a better word than "colorful" ) across the South China Sea.
Perhaps I should ignore irrelevant small details aside and learn how to settle for slightly less than perfection.